Saturday, October 9, 2010

Dear Inner Critic...

Um, hello. I am writing to address a few concerns with you:

1) Please stop editing my rough drafts. I notice you whenever I'm writing. The way I start to write a sentence, but once I realize it will end with a preposition I delete it. The way I use too many adverbs in my writing and you chide me for not being more concise. The way I use transitive verbs as main verbs and you delete the entire sentence. This is not helpful in the generative stage of writing. Please. STOP.

2) Please stop censoring my topics. You are forever challenging me lately about what I choose to write about. You make me second guess my ideas. Doubt my intuition. Step away from the computer. This is the biggest problem. Because of you I am leaving my work. I'm choking up at the keys, all because you are so judgmental about my ideas. Please. STOP.

I realize there's some benefit to having such a powerful inner critic. For instance, once I get to editing all my drivel and assembling it into a draft, you will come in very handy. You will have so much work to do that you'll be pleased for weeks and weeks. But you seem to be a little too eager, interfering with the rough drafts, jumping into your role before it's time.

Please. STOP.

Just wait your turn, inner critic. You will have more to do than you ever imagined. But I need a couple more months. Just back off until December, ok?

Thank you.

The left side.

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